Ceiling Wave

Ceiling Waves have been designed to work specifically with Lumicor Resin panels and offer you the flexibility of custom design. This solution includes machined matte edge finishing on exposed edges. Choose from over 250 decors and specify the size and configuration that works best for your application.
Download the Fin Ceiling Features Brochure


48" x 109.63" x 21.32" | 501.01

48" x 86.75" x 16.65" | 501.02

23.375" x 109.63" x 21.32" | 501.03

23.375" x 86.75" x 16.65" | 501.04

23.375" x 54.5" x 10.235" | 501.05

Ceiling wave panel installation at St. Martin's
Ceiling wave installation at St. George's Elementary
Ceiling wave feature at a dentist office.

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